Who we are

A pioneering innovation center located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It transforms learning through STEAM and studio-based education, with a focus on students aged 5-18, turning them into leaders of tomorrow.


Lamba was founded to provide a transformative educational experience for students in Saudi Arabia. Our unique learning environment is born out of a growing need for an education that offers hands-on, real-world learning opportunities that go beyond traditional classroom settings.

Who is Lamba for?

Lamba caters to students 5 -18 years of age and all skill levels, from beginners to advanced learners. Our studios are tailored to different age groups and offer exciting and interactive opportunities for students to discover and apply cutting-edge technologies and innovative problem-solving methods in a collaborative atmosphere.

What makes us different

Innovative Curriculum

STEAM and STUDIO-BASED educational program beyond the traditional school day, our program philosophy provides multi-year pathways for students to develop creativity and acquire new skills in emerging technologies, applied design, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Community Focus

We strive to shape a local community of youthful critical problem solvers through our supportive ecosystem of experts and educators to stimulate and expand the minds of the youth to build a progressive generation.

Real-World Impact

We believe that working on real projects that have lasting effects on communities builds engagement and enthusiasm in an organic way, especially in a time of high disengagement in education due to outdated and irrelevant curriculums.

Welcoming Space

Our space is safe, energetic, and immersive, creating a welcoming environment where students can thrive and express their creativity.

With Lamba, students are empowered to:

Gain confidence in data evaluation, problem-solving, and public speaking skills.

Embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and develop planning skills.

Innovate in daily life and contribute to global issues such as renewable energy.

Develop observational skills to tackle challenges in daily life.

Foster a sense of challenge and accomplishment

Learn to work both independently and collaboratively with peers.